Monday, March 31, 2014

Kuwait's Market Research - Business Quotation

Business Quotation


Date: March 29th 2014
Customer Name: xxx
Project Number: xxx/2014
Project Subject: Kuwait Market Research

This proposal contains 8 pages –including the cover page

Project name:
Kuwait Market Research

Scope of work:
The main objective of this project is to understand Kuwait’s market, by introducing a Market Research product. The Market Research product will serve customer and their needs resolving their pain. Thus, this project is aiming to understand the customer needs and satisfy such requirement “Finding and Filling needs”. The following are the scope of work for such business;
  1. Calculate market size and market share
  2. Estimate target market and its growing rate
  3. Evaluate customer needs and behavior

In order to achieve the project objectives, the following steps and guidelines will be followed;

1.            Market size and Market share
The project will start with evaluating the market size in the State of Kuwait. The market size will include the total number of customer.
On the other hand, this part also will discuss the current market share, which includes the following competitors;  
  • Large companies
  • Small companies in each City
  • Individual

2.            Target Market and Growing Rate
The second section of this project will discuss about the customer segmentation.  Customer Segmentation is the subdivision of a market into discrete customer groups that share similar characteristics. For example the market can be divided based on Gender, Occupation, Wealth, Location, Age, etc. It is most effective when customer offerings are tailored to segments and are the most profitable and serves them with distinct competitive advantages.
In this project, the company will study and analyze the market, and then it will be distributed into one –or more- of the following segments;
  • Benefits segmentation (price, service quality, .. etc)
  • Population segment (ages, areas, .. etc)
  • Occasion segmentation (period, reason, .. etc)
  • Frequent use segmentation (high, medium, and low)
  • Lifestyle segmentation (wealth, social, .. etc)

3.            Customer needs and Behavior
Understand the customer’s values and human behavior, which drives buying processes. Such requirement can be converted into two parts;
  • The functional needs – Tangible, such as Faster, Cheaper, Material quality, etc.
  • The emotional needs – Intangible, like Personal image, Respects, Acceptable, Responsible, etc.
In addition to that, reviewing and analyzing existing customers’ feedback to ensure their retention and satisfaction.

Finally, this project will introduce two elements in the marketing field, which are
  • Market research
  • STP
    • Segmentation
    • Targeting
    • Positioning – partial   

Business Matrix


The company is aiming to contact around xxx (+/- 3%) customers in the State of Kuwait– which is equivalent to ~x% of the total market, through different approaches and ways, such as;

Project duration
The time for the initial phase for this project will be around xxx days

Project Cost – Breakdown

Project benefits
The following are the expected values added to customer;
  • Developing uniquely appealing products and services
  • Develop marketing campaigns and pricing strategies
  • Extracting maximum value from customer’s data
  • Development of tailor made packages for different sections of customers
  • Allocating resources to product development, marketing service and delivery programs
  • Work in specialty business – Niche business
  • Recommended segmentation
  • Competitive advantages
  • Evaluate competitors products and services 
  • Customer problems – Pain
  • Voice and insight of customer
  • Customer loyalty and Customer satisfaction index –CSI
  • Ability to improve the Sales Target
  • Customer persuasiveness
  • Initiate marketing tactics and strategies after evaluation of SWOT
  • Saving resources by improving focus
  • Approach customer efficiently
  • Building of business models
  • Company image

Term and conditions


P.O. Box 21407 Safat 13075 Kuwait
Sharq Ahmed Aljaber Street CBK Building Level 6
Tel: +965 229 71156
Fax: +965 224 78734

Wednesday, March 5, 2014

خلاصة مشروع قياس خطة التنمية "الكويت 2035"

تعتبر مرحلة خطة التنمية 2010-2014 من المراحل الاساسية والهامة لقيام وبناء مستقبل دولة الكويت الحديث "الكويت 2035" لما تحمله من فكر وتوجهات عامة نحو مستقبل الدولة المنشود. ولذلك فقد قامت شركة اكسبر للاستشارات الاستراتيجية بقياس وتتبع أداء تنفيذ الجهاز الحكومي في الدولة وذلك للوقف على الوضع القائم ،ومعرفة مدى إمكانية تحقيق اهداف الخطة الاستراتيجية ضمن الاطار الزمني المنشود. إن مثل تلك النتائج ستمكن الإدارة المؤسسية العليا في الدولة من تحديد الخطوط الحرجةCritical path في الخطة الإنمائية ومتابعة اوجه القصور – ان وجدت – لتحقيقها وفقاً للبرنامج الزمني. ولذلك فإنه يمكن الاعتماد على نتائج المشروع في تحديد أدوار مؤسسات الدولة الرئيسية وبالتالي توصيف الجهود المبذولة المستقبلية لتحقيق اهداف الخطة المنشودة. وكذلك فإن شركة اكسبر للاستشارات الاستراتيجية تهدف من خلال عرضها لهذا المشروع من توعية المواطنين والمقيمين في دولة الكويت حول تلك الأهداف والتي سيعول عليهم عملية التنفيذ بشكل مباشر. ومن جانب آخر، فقد تم تجزئة الخطة الإنمائية للدولة إلى خمسة أهداف استراتيجية تتضمن كل منها مجموعة اهداف عامة تخدم القطاعات الاستراتيجي. بالإضافة الى ذلك ،فإن لكل هدف عام مجموعة من الأهداف الجزئية المسؤول عن تحقيقها عدد من قطاعات الدولة المختلفة. وقد تم قياس تلك الأهداف حسب ما ورد في مضمون الخطة الانمائية للدولة 2010-2014 ،والتي تبين نسبة تحقيق كل من تلك الأهداف بإستخدام نظرية Balanced Scorecard والمعتمدة على الوزن الكمي. وتشير نتائج المشروع بأن نسبة تحقيق الخطة الإنمائية لدولة الكويت كانت 19.64% بعد اربعة سنوات من العمل وتوفر المصادر. بالإضافة إلى ذلك فتوضح نتائج البحث بأن قطاعات محددة في الدولة لها النصيب الأكبر في التنفيذ لخطة التنمية مثل مجلس الأمة الكويتي ومجلس الوزراء ووزارة التربية والتعليم العالي. وختاماً فإنه من الضروري على السلطة التنفيذية في دولة الكويت من مضاعفة الجهود المبذولة بمقدار ستة مرات على الأقل خلال المرحلة المقبلة لتحقيق الرغبة السامية لحضرة صاحب السمو امير البلاد المفدى من تحويل دولة الكويت لتكون مركزاً مالياً وتجارياً جاذباً للاستثمار.

شركة اكسبر للاستشارات الاستراتيجية – دولة الكويت

Saturday, March 1, 2014


Feb. 2014

The Kuwait’s Development Plan 2010-2014
Measurement and Evaluation 

Using the Balanced Scorecard, by EXCPR™ Company

Execution summary
The project results shows that the achievement value for the Kuwait’s development plan was 19.64%, which required additional resource and capabilities than current one, in order to achieve objective by 2035. Additionally the Kuwait 2035 plan contain around 184 projects which are responding by some organizations in the country. At the same time, most of such projects are related to the Kuwait National Assembly and Council of Ministries. Finally the most critical path for implementing such vision are the private sector, diversify the resources for income, and the small business. 

After completing its four years cycle to finalize the first patch of the Kuwait development plan 2010-2014, EXCPR™ -  Kuwait’s strategic advisor firm – initiate such project to evaluate the decision making and execution occurred during that period.  The four main objectives for this project are:
·         To measure the performance of Kuwait’s development plan using the balanced scorecard methodology
·         Simplify the development plan items to the people and awareness
·         Identify each government’s organization and its responsibilities
·         Evaluate the next term requirement – future

Therefore the Kuwait 2035 vision, was described into five major directions, as
1.         GDP Improvement
The first strategic objective for the development plan was discussing the improvement in economics, by diversify the income for the different business sectors (Finance, Commercial, Services  ... etc.). Additionally, this objective includes the infrastructure and improving the refining and petrochemical sectors.
As it shown in the below table, the accumulated value for the first strategic objective was 18.0% only.

2.         Private sector and its motivation
The second strategic objective for the Kuwait’s development plan is showing the motivation of the private sector. This objective includes diversifying the ownership structure, the corporate in business between the private and the public sectors and develops the business environment.
As it shown in the below table, the final results for the second strategic objective –after four years of execution – was 18.8%. Additionally, the below table, illustrate the results for each sub-objective under the second objective. 

3.         Human Development
The third strategic objective for the Kuwait’s development plan was about the human performance and development. The same objective was discussing different projects, such as, education development and evaluation, healthcare development, environment and pollution, social development, community and housing services. 
As a result, the project explain that around 15.8% of such strategic objective was over, by Feb. 2014, which indicate that it required further efforts to implement such items in the future.

4.         Population and Social development
The fourth strategic objective for the Kuwait’s development plan 2010-2014 is more about support population and social development in the country. This objective have around 5 major goals such as population and manpower restructure, national and foreign manpower development, and the human rights.
Then, the project result shows that the total evaluation for such strategic objective is about 18.8%. This outcome indicates and evaluates the current effort from Kuwait’s government to apply such strategy, which required additional resource for future implementation.

 5.         Government efficiency
The fifth strategic objective for Kuwait’s vision “KUWAIT 2035” is representing by the Government efficiency subject. Thus, the same strategy contains some sub-objectives such as, business ethics, planning, statistics and information technology, and legislation.
As it shown in the below table, the project results said that around 33.9% of such strategy was received during the first part of the development plan “KUWAIT 2035”. Additionally, the same table shows the result of each sub-objective independently.

Finally, as it was shown in this article, the final result for the Kuwait’ development plan 2010-2014 is 19.64% only. Such significant results indicate the current efforts for implementing the Kuwait’s vision “KUWAIT 2035”, which shows clearly to improve the resources in the next future to implement it on time without any delay or pay additional resources. The following table indicate the summarize results for the Kuwait’s development plan.

Additionally, the following pie chart illustrates the total percentage projects for the development plan, per each ministry/ government organization. As it shown below, around 70% of development plan projects are related – directly- to seven organizations in Kuwait, which indicate the size of criticality in such organization in the next future.


 For more information and business corporation, please contact us with the following

P.O. Box 21407 Safat 13075 – KUWAIT
Sharq, Ahmed Aljaber Street, CBK building- opposite to Dar Alawadi, 6th floor
Tel. : +965 229-71156
Fax: +965 224-78734
Mob: +965 600-excpr (600-39277)