Thursday, April 28, 2011


By the author
Kuwait 28th April 2011
As we had an engineering background, we used to expect the results by having the same inlet. For example in refinery sector, as we are applying the same feed into the unit with the same conditions – temperature, pressure and flow – the results or the products are expected and knowing before as such issue are following theories or equations. BUT is equation concept is applicable for any sector?. This article wills discuss the same for today’s business.

As a company is looking to be in success in the market, they should follow – what we call it – the RULE in BUSINESS. Thus in any business, management or owner should follow the below structure in order to achieve its main target which is – to maximize the profits.

1-         High quality product
It is the first step for any business wants to be in success, to produce and introduce a high quality product. What we mean by such terminology is to produce a product which has the following characteristics- Quality, Efficiency, Competitive advantage, etc.
But is such step is the only one to be in success, simply NOT – but the next step is also important.

2-         Good marketing
After introducing the high competitive product into the market, managers should find the best path for introducing such product to the customer. In such step, customer should get the clear massage regards the products with its values – which hopefully related to his one. Such step is simply shows the product characteristic for the targeted customer.

After that, it could be a further and next step to keep the companies in success position, but the above two steps are conceder as the main and the most important one for success in initial point of view.  

Finally, by choosing an unique product with smooth way for introducing to the customers, business will be in the market for long term by expanding globally (horizontal axis) and growing deeply (vertical axis).

For more information about such idea and more, please visit EXCPR™ website at    

معادلة النجاح في الأعمال

معادلة النجاح في الأعمال
الكويت 28 ابريل 2011
كنا قد تأملنا سابقاً في علم الهندسة  والجبر، انه بموجود المعادلات الرياضية يمكننا من توقع النتائج مسبقاً - إذا وفقط إذا تم عمل اللازم – بمعنى أنه يمكننا توقع النتائج في حال قيامنا بالأعمال المطلوبه. وعلى سبيل المثل نحن نعلم مسبقاً نتيجة جمع عددين مختلفين، أو إضافة مادة على مادة أخرى، فإن النتيجة حتما ستكون معلومة من حيث النظريات المختلفة واسلوب التجربة والخطأ وغيرها من ادوات استخدمت وأثبتت في الماضي.
وما نود ان نطرحه عليكم في هذه المساحة هو هل يمكننا توقع النتائج في مجالات غير المجالات العلمية (الطب – الهندسة – العلوم)، ونعني تحديداً في عالم المال والأعمال- بمعنى هل يمكننا الوصول لمستوى عالي من تحقيق الأرباح وفق خطوات مسبقة ومحدده – كما هي في المجالات العلمية.
وإسترسالاً لما سبق، نقول ان هناك عوامل أساسية لابد لأي منظمة أرادت ان تكون من ضمن قطاعات الريادة في الأعمال أن تقوم عليها، وهي,
1-      المنتج ذو الكفاءة العالية
ونعني أولاً أنه إذا ما أردنا أن نقف بقوة في سوق الأعمال ونريد أن ننافس الشركات المثيلة، فعلينا أولاً أن ننتج المنتج المميز ذو الكفاءة العالية، والذي عادة ما يتميز بخواصة ومميزاته العالية والتي تفرض نفسها عن باقي منتجات السوق والمنافسين. بمعنى آخر أن نقوم بالإستثمار في هذا المنتج، وأن نطمح بأن نكون المنتج رقم واحد في السوق.
ولكن هل طرح منتج جديد ذو كفاءة عالية يكفي لتحقيق النجاح في عالم الأعمال؟ بالطبع لا – والإجابة تجرنا للتفكير بشكل أشمل ، ولننتقل للخطوه التاليه من معادلة النجاح في عالم الأعمال.

2-      التسويق المجدي للمنتج
نعم، فبعد طرح المنتج المميز والذي يفوق اقرانه في الأسواق المختلفة، لابد أن يعرف الزبون هذا المنتج وأن يصل إلية بشكل مباشر وفق الأطر والقنوات السليمة. ونعني بالتسويق المجدي، هو إستخدام الوسائل والأدوات المختلفة لطرق باب الزبائن وإخبارهم بوجود منتج جديد قادم الى الأسواق.

وختاماً، إن كنا ننشد الريادة والنجاح في الأعمال – سواء على المستوى الأفقي (الجغرافي) او العمق الرأسي ( التوسع في داخل المؤسسة)- فلا بد لنا أن نقوم بطرح منتج جديد مميز عن مثيلاته ويحضي بنوعية عالية من الجودة، ومن ثم التسويق الإبداعي لهذا المنتج وإخبار أكبر عدد من الزبائن بوصول هذا المنتج الجديد - مع مراعاة ماسيحصل علية الزبون بعد الحصول على هذا المنتج.

للحصول على المزيد حول هذا المفهوم وغيرها يمكنكم زيارة الموقع الرسمي لشركة اكسبر™ للإستشارات وإدارة الاعمال في

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

WWH23™ PRODUCT – النسخة العربية

27 ابريل 2011 – الكويت
شركة EXCPR للإستشارات وإدارة الأعمال هي شركة رائدة في مجال الأعمال تهدف بشكل مباشر إلى تضخيم ارباح الشركات الزميلة, تقليل التكاليف الزائدة، دعم القرار القيادي، وتقليل نسبة المخاطرة المعنية. إن الفكرة من إنشاء شركة EXCPR  تتمحور حول مفهوم الكفاءة والحفاظ على مصادر الإنتاج. ومن ناحية اخرى فقد تأسست شركة EXCPR للأعمال في 2010 في دولة الكويت وتطمح إلى بلوغ العالمية وإضافة قيمة إلى عالم الأعمال مبنية على مفهوم الحلول المثلى وإيجاد افضل النتائج.
تقوم شركة EXCPR للإستشارات وإدارة الأعمال- حاليا- بالإعداد النهائي لإطلاق احد منتجاتها الحديثة – الذكية – والذي يطلق عليه WWH23™ PRODUCT . ان WWH23™ PRODUCT يعني بتقديم الاستشارات والدعم المالي والفني في سوق الأسهم في الولايات المتحدة الأمريكية والذي يخول للمستثمرين ( الحكومات – الشركات – الأفراد) إلى الحصول على ما يلي:
·         بأي من الشركات نستثمر ؟ - وفقا لمعايير مالية
·         أي من الأوقات ، تعتبر من الاوقات المناسبة لشراء السهم؟ - وفقاً لمعايير فنية
·         ان ما يميز WWH23™ PRODUCT – بالإضافة لما سبق - هو معرفة انسب كميات الشراء في كل من تلك الأسهم ، والتي تجعل من تحقيق الأرباح قيمة عظمى؟

للحصول على معلومات إضافية حول WWH23™ PRODUCT الرجاء إرسال البريد الإلكتروني على
للحصول على معلومات إضافية حول EXCPR الرجاء زيارة موقعنا الإلكتروني

Tuesday, April 26, 2011


1Current ratio= CA / CL
2Quick ratio (Acid test) = (CA -I)/CL
3Cash ratio= Cash / CL
4Total asset turnover = Sales / TA
5Inventory turnover = CGS / Inventory
6Receviable turnover = Sales / AR
7Total dept ratio = (TA - TE) / TA
8Debt-equity ratio = total dept / total equity
9Equity multiplier = TA / Total equity
10Times interest earned-TIE (Interest coverage ratio)= EBIT / Interest


Kuwait, April 26th
EXCPR™ is a consultant and business management co. which is entrepreneur in maximizing the profits, minimizing the cost, reducing the risks related and supporting the management decision. Its idea was founded in 2010 from Kuwait and looking to be a global brand name in the optimization sector.  
Within the next few day’s EXCPR™ is going to introduce its new product - WWH23™ PRODUCT – into the market which is related to be the consultant in the US stocks market.
By getting WWH23™ PRODUCT, customer (Government – Companies – Individual) will have the following
·         Knowing which stocks in the market should they invest in?
·         Knowing the best time to buy and sell stocks?
·         Knowing how much of each stocks should they buy?
If you are interesting to know more about EXCPR™ new product WWH23™ PRODUCT, contact us by, or visit

Thursday, April 14, 2011


An study and analysis was conducted by EXCPR - for consultant and business management – in April 2011, Kuwait , about the same subject. In this paper, EXCPR will present the main points which was observed by its study such as, the important of such promising market, the competition between the three companies, some market and business trends, in addition to the market requirement. 

1-      The population in Kuwait
The MOGAS market in Kuwait can be classified as growing and promising market for many reasons, first as the population in Kuwait is increasing in yearly bases. Additionally, the latest study which was done by EXCPR, shows that such market is growing in the rate of 3.9% - in yearly bases. Such high rate will lead to increase the demand of the MOGAS in the market. In addition to that, the statistics show that by the year 2018, the population in Kuwait will be nearby 5 million. Thus the government and the related companies should look to such phenomena to avoid future troubles. The bellow trend shows the growing in population in Kuwait for the last five years in addition to the forecasting one.

From another hand, the MOGAS market in Kuwait is covering about 32.8% of the total population size in Kuwait, which means a lot of individuals are using such products.

Figure -1- the population in Kuwait

2-      The number of Autos and the driving license in Kuwait


The below graph ( no. 2) shows a parallel relation between the number of autos increase in Kuwait, with the driving license number for the last five years. Additionally, the results show that, every five individual in Kuwait have about six autos – which means an auto not in used for every 5 peoples. In addition to that, the rate for autos increase in Kuwait is about 5.7% per year, which means by the year 2016, the number of autos in Kuwait will be almost 2 million. As a result, such observation clearly indicate the important of the MOGAS business in Kuwait as the demand is expected to increase.
While, the rate of increasing for the driving license in Kuwait is slightly higher than the number of autos by 0.4% ( 6.1% is the growing rate for the driving license number).

Figure -2 – the number of autos and the driving license in Kuwait

3-      The MOGAS station in Kuwait

The total number of the MOGAS stations in Kuwait is 125 stations, which are located in different location in the country. The number of the MOGAS station in Kuwait is consider as low number, as the statistic shows that the number of the customer for each MOGAS station in Kuwait is around 0.68 million visitors ( around 1,850 visitors for each MOGAS station . every day ). Such high number of visitors lead to the traffic phenomena in the station, which raise a flag for expanding the MOGAS station in Kuwait, in addition to the required to establishing a new stations.
From another hand the figure number 3A, shows the number of MOGAS station in each Kuwait’s regions. In this figure, it can be observed that around 52% of the total MOGAS station in Kuwait are located in two regions only which are the Capital and Ahmadi regions ( such two regions have ONLY 33.4% of the total population in Kuwait). As a results, the future MOGAS stations in Kuwait have to be relocated base on the population in each regains.

Figure -3- Number of the MOGAS stations in Kuwait’s regions

In additional to the previous section, the MOGAS stations in Kuwait can be distributed base on its distance from the Cities, thus some MOGAS stations are located in the residential city, some of them may locate on the main roads- just between two residential cities- and the others are located on the high way – far from the cities. As it is illustrated in the bellow pie chart ( figure 3B ), 56.8% of the MOGAS stations are located in the city, 26.4% are on the high ways while 16.8% of the MOGAS station are located in the high ways.
Figure -3B –the Location of the MOGAS stations in Kuwait

4-      MOGAS marketing companies in Kuwait – competitions

The MOGAS marketing activities in Kuwait are looking after three companies, one of them is handling by the Kuwait’s government – Kuwait National Petroleum Company – KNPC local marketing department, it has around 39 stations. While the seconds are handling by the private sectors, which are OULA MOGAS company and SOOR MOGAS company ( each of these companies have 43 MOGAS station in Kuwait).
Base on the deeply study and analysis which was conducted by EXCPR - for consultant & business management- the market shares for each of the three competitors are as follows, KNPC has 35.2%, OULA 32.4% and SOOR 32.3%. The below pie chart ( figure 4 ) illustrate the market shares area for the three companies.      

Figure – 4 – the market shares for the three competitors

5-      MOGAS station’s products

All the three companies are providing five of the main standard products in their stations as it is shows in the bellow table ( 5 A)
Price ( KD / Litter)
Good quality engine
High quality engine
Excellent quality engine
Cargo and trucks
Table  -5 A- the petroleum products in the MOGAS station in Kuwait

In related to that, the MOGAS marketing companies in Kuwait are spending around 87.2% from the total sales on its cost of goods sold – CGS. Such low profit margin gain by the MOGAS marketing companies, effect the level of services ( quality) and the new product channels.


From another hand, the study which was published by EXCPR - for consultant & business management – point up that the highest products demand in the MOGAS station in Kuwait, is for the MOGAS-95 by 48.1% of the total sales. At the same time, the lowest demand was indicated for the MOGAs-98 by ONLY 0.8%. The below figure ( 5 B ) illustrate the whole products demands in the MOGAS station in Kuwait.

Figure – 5 B – The Products sales in the MOGAS stations in Kuwait

6-      The services in the MOGAS marketing stations in Kuwait

Unlike the other global stations in the worlds, Kuwait’s MOGAS stations are concentrating in selling the hydrocarbons products ONLY. Thus such step is very important in the modern business point of view, as it will make the competitors loss an opportunity of making high profit margin is such field. 
Thus, EXCPR - for consultant & business management company – did a survey for almost 139 individuals which are visiting the MOGAS station in Kuwait in frequent bases. The result of such strong survey – as it was distributed in different way with an open question -  support EXCPR hypotheses as people are looking to see the changes in the MOGAS station in Kuwait in different priorities sectors such as the food, services and environment sectors. The following table ( table -6) illustrate each sectors with its priorities to be implemented. 

General services
Table -6 – The MOGAS station services required by the customers

At the end, the modern business concept is starting from the customer requirement and how to minimize such gaps in such field to be consider as the success companies. Thus the whole competitors should start with these needs and the data presented in such research paper, in order to maximize its market shares, grow and expand in the MOGAS  business.

·         Strategic marketing planning for OULA MOGAS marketing co. by EXCPR 2011
·         Survey of EXCPR 2010
·         Annual report for KNPC 2009
·         Annual report for OULA MOGAS marketing co. 2009
·         Annual report for SOOR MOGAS marketing co. 2009
·         The public authority for civil information
·         Ministry of interior of Kuwait

For more information about the research contact EXCPR at  or visit EXCPR website at