Tuesday, March 31, 2015



Corporate governance - CG is concerned with the structures and systems of control by which managers are held accountable to those who have a legitimate stake in an organization. It has become an increasingly important issue for organizations for three main reasons.

1 The separation of ownership and management control of organizations (which is now the norm except with very small businesses) means that most organizations operate within a hierarchy, or chain, of governance. This chain represents those groups that influence an organization through their involvement in either ownership or management of an organization.
2 Corporate scandals since the late 1990s have increased public debate about how different parties in the governance chain should interact and influence each other. Most notable here is the relationship between shareholders and the boards of businesses; but an equivalent issue in the public sector is the relationship between government or public funding bodies and public sector organizations.
3 Increased accountability to wider stakeholder interests has also come to be increasingly advocated; in particulate the argument that corporations need to be more visibly accountable and/or responsive, not only to "owners" and "managers" in the governance chain but to wider social interest.

Contact EXCPR now to have your organizations perfect Corporate Governance-CG, info@excpr.com

Fundamentals of Strategy, by Gerry Johnson, Kevan Scholes and Richard Whittington

Thursday, March 26, 2015

تأثير تطبيق نظام الحوكمة على القيمة السوقية للشركات في السوق الكويتي

تأثير تطبيق نظام الحوكمة على القيمة السوقية للشركات في السوق الكويتي

قامت شركة اكسبر للاستشارات والمتخصصة في قطاع تقديم الخدمات الاستراتيجية للمؤسسات ،بدراسة تأثير تطبيق نظام الحوكمة على الشركات والمؤسسات في دولة الكويت. وفي هذا الاطار صرح الرئيس التنفيذي للشركة –السيد نايف عبدالجليل بستكي- بأن المشروع يهدف الى دراسة العلاقة مابين وجود وتطبيق نظام الحوكمة في الشركات التابعة لهيئة اسواق المال في دولة الكويت، والتغييرات في قيمتها السوقية Market Capitalization، ومدى ارتباط وتناغم هذين العنصرين مع بعضهم البعض. واضاف بستكي في تصريحه بأن نتائج المشروع ستساهم بشكل كبير في تحقيق نقطة التقاء اصحاب المصالح في الشركات ( الحكومة – المساهمين – اعضاء مجلس الادارة – الادارة التنفيذية - .. الخ)، والدفع في اتجاه استقطاب المستثمرين والتوسع في الأعمال مع تقليل نسبة تحصيل الفوائد من البنوك، على اعتبار انه كلما تم تطبيق نظام الحوكمة داخل الشركة، كلما زادت من قيمتها السوقية وجذب العديد من المستثمرين –خصوصاً المستثمر الاجنبي.


تعتبر حوكمة الشركات أو ما يطلق عليه Corporate Governance من مبادئ العمل الاداري الحديث والذي يضمن من خلاله بقاء سير المؤسسات وفق نظام قياسي ثابت على المدى الطويل. وقد قامت مؤسسة التمويل الدولية IFC بتعريف الحوكمة بأنها النظام الذي يتم من خلاله إدارة الشركات والتحكم في أعمالها. فالحوكمة تعنى بوجود سياسات وممارسات للأعمال متناغمة مع مستويات قياسية معتبرة، تقوم من خلالها الإدارة التنفيذية بتطبيق تلك الاستراتيجيات واتخاذ افضل القرارات الادارية في سبيل تحقيق النجاح في العمل. ولذا فنظام الحوكمة يحقق نقطة الالتقاء والتوازن بين اصحاب المصالح في المؤسسة وذلك لضمان سيرها ومنافستها في تحقيق النتائج الايجابية والاهداف الاستراتيجية المرجوة. 


وقد قامت شركة اكسبر للاستشارات الاستراتيجية بدراسة حالة 50 شركة تجارية رائدة في السوق الكويتي وقطاعات عملها المختلفة، والتي بلغ متوسط قيمتها السوقية للفترة مابين 2009-2014 حوالي 18.61 مليار دينار كويتي. وتضمن هذا الجانب تصنيف الشركات من حيث وجود نظام اساسي او تصريح معنوي نحو تطبيق وتحقيق نظام الحوكمة فيها، والتي تم اختيارها بالتساوي مابين وجود/ وعدم وجود نظام للحوكمة. والجدير بالذكر بأن هيئة اسواق المال في دولة الكويت وهي الجهة الرقابية المعنية في تطبيق نظام الحوكمة على الشركات في الدولة، قد قامت بتأجيل الموعد النهائي للشركات التابعة لها لتطبيق النظام، وفي فترة نهائية هي يونيو 2016. وتشير النتائج الاولية للمشروع بأن سوق الكويت للأوراق المالية قد تضمن فترتين من الهبوط في السنوات الخسة السابقة، والتي كانت في أعوام 2011 و 2014 والتي كان لها الاثر السلبي على حجم السوق الكلي وبنسب هبوط تقدر بـ 32.5% و 10.9% -على التوالي.


وتشير نتائج المشروع الرئيسية بأن 56% من الشركات والمؤسسات التي لديها نظام جيد للحوكمة Corporate Governance، استطاعت تحقيق معدل زيادة في قيمتها السوقية تجاوز 43.9% خلال السنوات الخمسة السابقة. وفي المقابل فقد بلغ نسبة انخفاض القيمة السوقية للشركات التي ليس لديها نظام للحوكمة حوالي 37,8%. وكذلك توضح نتائج التقرير بأن نسبة الخطورة المحتمل حدوثها في الاعمال بالنسبة للشركات والمؤسسات التي ليس لديها نظام للحوكمة اكبر من الشركات التي لديها ذلك النظام. ففي الشركات التي ليس لديها نظام للحوكمة كانت نسبة التطاير/ التغيير في القيمة السوقية لها  -/+ 17.2% ،في حين انها لم تتجاوز-/+ 11.6% بالنسبة للشركات التي تعمل بنظام الحوكمة، في اشارة الى ان عدم وجود نظام جيد للحوكمة سيؤدي في النهاية الى تقليل حجم الاستقرار في المؤسسة وبالتالي زيادة نسبة المخاطرة وضياع الاعمال. ومن جانب آخر فقد أكدت نتائج البحث بأن نسبة تطبيق نظام الحوكمة في الشركات الكبري – التي تتجاوز قيمتها السوقية 51 مليون دينار كويتي – ما يعادل 175.9 مليون دولار امريكي في عام 2014– هي 71.7%، في حين تعاني الشركات التي لاتتجاوز قيمتها السوقية 50 مليون دينار كويتي من التطبيق الفعلي للنظام اذ انها لاتتجاوز 27%، ويوضح الشكل التالي تفاصيل التوزيع البياني.
وختاماً قال بستكي بأن نتائج المشروع تشير إلى أهمية وضرورة تطبيق نظام الحوكمة في الشركات والمؤسسات التي تسعى نحو النمو المستدام Sustainability، والتي اثبتت نتائج التقرير بأن نظام الحوكمة يضمن تقليل نسبة المخاطرة المحتمل حدوثها على الشركات الواقعة في اطار السوق الكويتي  جراء الازمات المالية ومنافسات الاسواق. وتبين النتائج كذلك الارتباط الوثيق مابين وجود نظام للحوكمة في الشركات، ونمو قيمتها السوقية وبالتالي تضخيم ارباحها وزيادة حجم اصولها. وكذلك يشير التقرير الى أن غالبية الشركات الكبرى الرائدة هي التي بدأت فعلياً في تطبيق نظام الحوكمة وذلك في إدارة شركاتها ومؤسساتها وبنسبة تقارب 85.8% من إجمالي القيمة السوقية للشركات، وانه لابد من الشركات الصغرى من حذوا اتجاه تلك الشركات في تطبيق نظام الحوكمة خلال الفترة القصرة القادمة – من 3-5 سنوات. وعلى الرغم من النتائج الجيدة لتطبيق نظام الحوكمة في الشركات الكويتية، إلا أن مفهوم الحوكمة وآلية تطبيقه لم يتجاوز 4 سنوات فقط وفي الشركات الرائدة، مما يستوجب بذل المزيد من الجهود والإمكانيات مع توفير الوقت الكافي للحصول إلى القيمة المضافة التي يضمنها نظام الحوكمة.
P.O. BOX 21407 – SAFAT 13075 KUWAIT
Tel: +965 229-71156
Fax: +965 224-78734
Mob: +965 600-excpr (600-39277)
Website: www.excpr.com


Friday, March 20, 2015

Customer Needs - Business Development

Customers have their own specific needs and special requirement in each certain market and industry. Therefore, the modern competitors are looking to find out such needs – in term of customer’s values and pains – and then apply such wants. For example, the customer in Kuwait may require such specific criteria on a product, which is more valuable to them comparing with other global region.

The idea behind initiate such product, is to follow the Marketing modern methodology which is “customer derive market”. Thus, a company can achieve and satisfy the following benefits by applying such project; 

  • Improve sales, by developing and creating products
  • Maximize the profit margin, by saving capital and resources, satisfy customer segmentation and specialty  
  • Leading the market and setting standards  
  • Grow competitive advantages
  • Market growing rate, by setting the current targeted customer

At the same time, a company could lose a lot of profits, if they miss customer needs;  

  • Other competitors could lead this market
  • Decreasing in market share, and then moving out from the market
  • Opportunity cost 

Contact us now for more infomration about Customer product and other.

P.O. BOX 21407 – SAFAT 13075 KUWAIT
Tel: +965 229-71156
Fax: +965 224-78734
Mob: +965 600-excpr (600-39277)
Email: info@excpr.com
Website: www.excpr.com

Saturday, March 14, 2015

EXCPR™ Strategic Consultancy


EXCPR™ Strategic Consultancy

For Business Sustainability




·                We would like to thanks Mr. Bastaki – EXCPR™ Managing Director – for the excellent services provided to our company, actually it is high efficient efforts and works, all the best. Deer&Dear Group - Kuwait

·                We would like to thank M/S EXCPR™ company for their efforts and initiative in such project.  Kuwait Project Company –holding – KIPCO

·                It is our pleasure to have such project with M/S EXCPR™ for consultancy, which definitely will add value to our business. International Clinic



EXCPR™ Kuwait’s entrepreneur firm works in Management Consultancy Services and specializes in Strategic business – advises and studies. 


Latest news

·                EXCPR™ products, PowerPoint –attachment company profile

·                Corporate Governance article – attachment

·                Global cooperation with M/S KOSOM – South Kora – attached KOSCOM brochure

·                Financial Stability Report –attachment




Superior organizational performance is not a matter of luck. It is determined largely by the choices leadership make. Top leaders are responsible for knowing the organization’s environment, considering what it might be like in 5 or 10 years, and setting a direction for the future that everyone can believe in. Strategic leadership is one of the most critical issues facing organizations. Strategic leadership means the ability to anticipate and envision the future, maintain flexibility, think strategy, and work with others to initiate changes that will create a competitive advantage for the organization in the future. In a fast-changing world, leaders are faced with a bewildering array of complex and ambiguous information, and no two leaders will see things the same way or make the same choice. Leadership – Richard L. Draft.



1.    About EXCPR™

EXCPR™ (Exceptional Performance) is a Consultancy and Business Management Company which is specialize in providing strategic consultancy services to its customer. The company is aiming to support the decision making process in organization, by setting its Vision, Mission and Values, as it will guide the company to manage its future and business. At the same time, EXCPR™ provides its advices to find out the best way to compete and in which market. At the same time, the company is providing its services to simplify the business ways and understanding by create the business model. Finally, EXCPR™ provide it unique products at which the business can be clearly monitor such as Balanced Scorecard and KPIs.  Thus, the company is working in providing the necessary management tools to the CEOs and Management Execution to support their decision, through Consultancies, Management services and Global partnership.


2.    Company’s profile

Company's name:

EXCPR™ Management Consultancy Services



Strategic Consultancy



International organization with more than USD 10 million capital


End users:

CEO's and Managing Directors



·                Local market

·                GCC markets

·                Global markets



The most unique firm in the world specialize in Strategic Consultancy services.



To support the long term management decisions.



  • Sustainability
  • Professional
  • Partnership
  • Saving resources


3.    Products and Services

We choice to supply strategy product to the market, as it is the basic management tools for entrepreneurs companies which are looking to be in leadership position. 

Strategy in business is more about create of a unique and valuable position, involving a different set of activities . The different strategy options can be select and evaluate base on the highest NPV make. The following are some values that can be created to customer;



·                   To guide a company’s allocation their scarce resources and building a sustainable competitive advantage.

·                   To allow management running their business in high level of efficacy and competition.

·                   To integrate the company’s resources and processes in a unique way to get a job done perfectly.

·                   Creating a unique and valuable position, involving a different set of activities.

·                   Understanding the internal Strengths and Weaknesses of the organization, and the external Opportunities and Threats. SWOT analysis

The following are the main products and services that the company can supply to its customer


Corporate Vision -CV

Vision works in a number of important ways. An effective vision provides a link between today and tomorrow, serves to energize and motivate employees toward the future, provides meaning for people’s work, and sets a standard of excellence and integrity in the organization. Leadership – Richard L. Draft.


·                Vision that portray an uplifting future have the power to inspire and energize people.

·                A good vision for the future includes specific outcomes that the organization wants to achieve.

·                Division, department and individual are also required to create their own vision, which is important and powerful.

·                When every person understands and embraces a vision, the organization becomes self-adapting.


Mission & Values –MV

The Mission statement and values (core values and core purpose);  It serves as the glue that holds the organization together in time of change and guides strategic choices and design about future. The following are some pains the M&V and treat

·                Provide the source of guidance and inspiration.

·                Holding the organization’s sectors together, as it grows, decentralize, diversifies and expands globally.

·                Leaders can use it to influence team cohesiveness.

·                Attracting better employees,

·                Have better relationships with external parties.

·                Perform better in the marketplace over the long term.

·                Keeping the work environment becomes more motivator.


Corporate Strategy –CS

Corporate Strategy  is one of the company's unique product which will help the targeted companies looking to start a new business in certain market. The CS is concerned with deciding which industries the firm should be engaged in and how it should allocate its resources. Thus it is the way that a company create values through the configuration and coordination of its multi-business activities.

The following values can be achieved by having CS product;

·                The way a company creates value through the configuration and coordination of its multi-business activities.

·                Identify the process by which the company expects to create long-term value.

·                Porter's Five Forces –product

·                Sharing resources, transferring competencies and specific assets




Business Strategy –BS

How to build a sustainable competitive advantage in specific business or market?. BS is concerned with establishing competitive advantage by analyzing customer needs and competing ways. The challenge for BS is to create value for a customer and to extract some of that value in the form of profit for the firm. Thus, the Business Strategy  product or “ competitive strategy ” is created to guide the companies which are facing high competition or entering a new market; to satisfy the following challenges;

·                   How the company should compete within a particular market (low cost, differentiation, focus, …etc)

·                   To maximize the company profits, by adding values to its customer.

·                   High competition by knowing the competitive advantages

·                   How to build a sustainable competitive advantage in specific business or market?

·                   How does strategy translate into value?


Corporate Governance -CG

The Corporate Governance is concerned with the structures and systems of control by which managers are held accountable to those who have a real stake in an organization. The following are the most three reasons for applying CG in a company.

·                Most of today’s organizations are running by management instead of ownership, which required some support system for monitoring.

·                The need of interact and influence between the governance chain (Managers, Senior executives, Executive directors, Board, Investment managers, Trustees of funds and Beneficiaries)

·                Increased accountability to wider stakeholder interests


Business Model –BM

The logic of a firm, or the way it operates and how it create values for its stockholder. Also, it describes the design or architecture of the value creation, delivery and capture mechanisms it employs. A BM describes the rationale of how an organization creates, delivers, and captures value. BM is the chosen system of inputs, business activities, outputs and outcomes that aims to create value over the short, medium and long term.

The following are the problems that the BM system can recover;

·                   To advise company’s running its business successfully.

·                   To allow management focus on the critical business items of making profits.

·                   To let new management and exist one, understand their business operation deeply, and how to create value to customer.

·                   To provide suitable advises to minimize the company’s excess cost.

·                   To reshape industries and drive spectacular growth.  

·                   It will identify the customer needs (benefits and pains).


Balanced Scorecard -BSC

The next  product is the Balanced Scorecard, which will be efficiently use for the high capital companies and critical industry. The BSC is a suitable product which will create the following advantages for customer;

·                    To allow CEO’s – or equivalent - keep monitor and manage their day-to-day business activities.

·                    A company can clarify, update and test its strategy.

·                   A company may want to improve its performance of measuring the business.

·                   To link a strategy with the daily activities.

·                   To make sure all organization members are understanding and aware of the company’s long term strategy.

·                   To make sure the information from managers is incorporated into the internal objectives.

·                   To set a properties in business.


Key Performance Indicator -KPI

The key performance Indicators are measurement tools to manage and follow the company’s /projects progress and performance. The following are some examples for such KPIs

Financial KPIs

·                Earnings Per Share

·                EBIT/EBITDA

·                Net Income

·                Cash Flow

·                Operating Income

·                Economic Value Added


Non- financial KPIs

·                Strategic Goals

·                Customer Satisfaction

·                Employee Satisfaction

·                Service/Quality

·                Safety

·                Market share



4.    Business Sectors

The company has three major sectors to satisfy its products and services to its customer;



The first business sector in the firm is the main, which is looking in utilizing the theories and Analysing data to supply the necessary advices and assistances to the customer. Usually the consultancy services required the shortest period ( few months or years) and required some funds –base on the case and project complexity.



The second part in the company is looking to provide the required skills and ability to support the customer needs. In such sector the customer will be able to have the talent management skills to run and manage their business. The Management contract will continue for longer period ( 3-5 years ) and required higher cost –comparing with the Consultancy services


Global partnership  

The last part in the company’s sector is directly depending on our global partner firms, which are specialize in special business case.


5.    Previous projects (download PDF files)

·                Kuwait development plan “Kuwait 2035” – attachment business pioneer

·                Market share for Coffee shops in Kuwait – attachment Arabic and English





Contact us

P.O. BOX 21407 – SAFAT 13075 KUWAIT

Tel: +965 600-excpr (600-39277)

Website: www.excpr.com

Twitter @excpr

Facebook: excprco

Instagram: EXCPR

Blog: http://excprco.blogspot.com/

YouTube: http://www.youtube.com/user/excprco

Google+: excpr