Tuesday, May 29, 2012


Labore Forace in Kuwait

As per the following figure and trend, the total labor force in Kuwait is measure to be 1.36 million ( as in 2010 ). Additionally, the average increasing rate is calculated to be 3.84% per year. Thus, by 2020 the labor force in the state of Kuwait is expected to be 1.68 million. Finally Kuwait’s government should provide around 320,000 - new jobs – within the next 7 years.

Sunday, May 20, 2012


May 2012

10 اسباب للعمل مع شركة اكسبر – الكويت

1.      لأننا نعمل على تضخيم الارباح المحققة للشركات الزميلة

2.      لأننا نعمل على تقليل التكاليف الزائدة

3.      لأننا نهدف إلى خلق جو من العمل بكفاءة وجودة عاليتين

4.      لأننا نقدم ادوات الدعم الإداري اللازمة لتثبيت القرار القيادي

5.      لأننا نعتبر أنفسنا شركاء في العمل مع الزبائن

6.      لأننا نعمل بكفاءة عالية

7.      لأننا نبحث دائما عن انسب الاعمال والقرارات اللازمة

8.      لأننا نعمل على تقليل نسبة المخاطر القائمة

9.      لأننا نعتمد في عملنا على تقليل التكاليف التشغيلية مع الحفاظ على الجودة العالية

10.  لأننا نستثمر بمصادر الانتاج

EXCPR™: Facebook

EXCPR™: Facebook: May 2012 17% INCREASE IN KUWAIT’S FACEBOOK USERS As per EXCPR™ Co. – latest study- the Facebook users in Kuwait are increa...


May 2012


As per EXCPR™ Co. – latest study- the Facebook users in Kuwait are increased by 17% - compared with 2011 year, which reach almost 970,000 users. Additionally, the study expect to increase the number of users to be around 1.25 million accounts and Facebook users by 2015. Then, the State of Kuwait is ranking as 63 position – Globally – on the total number of Facebook active accounts.


The result shows that, on 2012, there are around 790 million users for the Social Media – Facebook – in the World. Also, the growing rate is evaluated to be around 18% per year, which means that by 2020, the total global number for Facebook users will be 1.3 billion users. From another hand, the study shows that between every 100 people – in the world - there are 13 person are using the Social Media – Facebook- accounts in their business or personal life. Thus, it can be conclude the fast growth rate for such tools which connects the world with others.


The following table illustrate the growth rate for the top 10 countries – between 2011 and 2012. As it shown below, Libya is the first country in term of growth rate users between 2011 and 2012.


The study is also compare the Facebook users in the different regions in the World. Thus, the following chart illustrate the growth rate between the different World regions in 2011 and 2012. Additionally, there are more than 235 million users for Facebook in Asia countries, which rank as the 1st region in the World for the same ( its rank was the 2nd in 2011, after North America). While, the highest growth rate region is for South America region, which increase by 28.5% in 2012 – comparing with 2011.



As it was on 2011, the United State of America – USA- is rank as the first global country – in term of number of Facebook uses. Then, the 2nd position is for Brazil which make some revaluation in term of Facebook users ( it jump from 9th rank in 2011, to the 2nd in 2012). The following table illustrate the top 10 countries in 2012 – for the number of Facebook accounts – and its rank in 2011.  


The growth rate for the total Arab county is 34.8% - as in 2012. Additionally, EXCPR™ results approve that, the Arab users are covered 5% of the total Global users. Then, in term of Arab countries, the first country – in term of Facebook users – is for Egypt by almost 10.5 million users. While the 2nd and 3rd position are for Kingdom of Saudi Arabia – KSA and Morocco, by 5.3 million and 4.4 million – respectively.  


Finally, the study shows the efficiency for using Facebook accounts number between the different world countries. For example, between every three person in Norway country, TWO of them are using Facebook – social media. The following table shows the first countries in the same.

For more information, contact EXCPR co. – Study. Consultancy. Business Management
+965 600-excpr (600-39277)
Twitter: @excpr
Facebook: excprco
Blog: excprco
P.O box 3378 Meshref 40183 Kuwait

Sunday, May 13, 2012


May 2012

The article is published by Eng. Nayef A. Bastaki

The total carbon dioxide - CO₂ - emission from the State of Kuwait is estimated to be around 77,000 KT per year. This value locates the State of Kuwait in the rank of 47 – Globally. Then, this article is published as we are response about such issue and to aware people about such factors which can be controlled and minimize.

As per 2008 data, the total carbon dioxide - CO - emission from Kuwait is calculated to be around 76,743 KT. At the same time, the CO gas emission is  expected to reach 100,000 KT by the year 2030 ( +30.3% ), which mean increasing by 1.4% per year. The following trend shows the previous CO emission from Kuwait, in addition to the forecasting one – at the same rate,

From another hand, the total CO emission from Kuwait is equivalent to almost 5.08% , 3.7% and 0.24% of the total CO emissions produced by the Arab World, Middle East and the whole world– respectively. 
Additionally, this high CO emissions generated by the state of Kuwait is equivalent to most of European manufacturing countries such as Switzerland and Denmark – in SUM!!.


Source of CO
As it is shown below, almost two third the total CO emission is generated from the Electricity and Heat, and Transport sectors. Thus, these two sectors are much critical in term of minimizing the CO emission

Source: International Energy Agency

Finally, let us work together to minimize the CO emission to have better life for our self and the next generation, which can be achieved by the following:
1-      Used the energy at the efficient.
2-      Apply the Green building  subject.
3-      Used Technology (telecommunication, teleconference, …etc).  
4-      Alternative energy

·         The Word Bank website
·         Technology and policy recommendations and goals for reducing carbon dioxide emissions in the energy sector, April 2009, by ASME- setting the standard
·         CO2 emissions from fuel combustion highlights, 2011, by International Energy Agency


April 2011

Study by the consulting company EXCPR- Kuwait

In the study of analytical and detailed set up by the company EXCPR ™ - Consulting and Business Management in Kuwait, on the topic of gas stations marketing in Kuwait. The following is part of the main study which was in April 2011.

The fuel market in Kuwait can be consider as one of the growing business for several reasons. First, the population in the State of Kuwait and how it is growing in the last few years - the results approve that the rate of increasing in Kuwait population is 3.9% per year. Thus, the population is expected to reach 5 Million, by 2018. From another hand, the fuel cost, which is subsidize by Kuwait's government, make this kind of business, so attractive for the investors or private companies. Then, the market size of the fuel market in Kuwait, representing approximately 32.8% of the total number of population, which refers to a large number of attendees of the roads.

There is a direct correlation between the number of cars in Kuwait and the driving licenses numbers issued, thus the study shows that for every 5 people in Kuwait , they have 6 cars - which means that, there is one car which is NOT is used for every five people. Additionally, the growing number rate for the autos in Kuwait is increasing by 5.7% annually, which means that by 2016, the number of autos will be 2 million vehicles!!. This sharply increasing in this market, required further revamp and increasing in the number of gas stations in Kuwait. In the same regards, the number of driving licenses is increasing by 6.1%.

NUMBER OF GAS STATIONS Then, the total number of active gas stations in Kuwait is around 125, distributed between all Kuwait's regions. This number is so low, comparing with the total visitors for the station. The study approve that, there are around 1,850 visitors for each gas station in Kuwait per day!!. This huge number of visits confirms the existence problem in traffic between the roads. Then the study mention that 52% of the gas stations are located are located in the Capital and Al-Ahmadi regions (while they constitute only a proportion of 33.4% of the size of the population).

In Kuwait, there are three gas station companies which are compete between each of them - the companies are Kuwait National Petroleum Company-KNPC, OULA co. and SOOR co. The first company- KNPC- is 100% related and managed by Kuwait's government, while the second two are related to the private owners. Each of the three companies has 33% of the total number of as station.

One of the main objective - for this study- is to evaluate the market share for such market, which illustrate that the market share for the three companies are as follow, KNPC has 35.2% of the total market share, OULA has 32.4% and SOOR has 32.3%. As per 2009.

SERVICES Finally, the concept of the business world today stems directly from the need for basic market (customers), so the companies must compete to take the initiative to achieve those needs - which have been mentioned in this report from the expansion of horizontal stations, the development of the plants, the creation of a new production line, to provide additional services competitive, and others - in order to maintain market share and even increase that figure - in order to remain in this promising market.