Soft Drinks Market
size, market share, impact on the environment
soft drinks market represents the shape of the culture of society in terms of
the availability of financial value in addition to another aspect that
simulates the prevailing health culture. In the 2024 report, EXCPR Consulting
and Business Management CO. in the State of Kuwait is studying the shape of the
soft drinks market that customers drink at home in terms of Market size, Market
share, in addition to the materials manufactured for cans and their impact on
the Environment. The company also adds that such reports would support the decision
process in the factories of those competing companies, whether local or Global,
in addition to the size of marketing expenses to be exerted in order to
increase the volume of sales. The results of the research also contribute to
supporting the manufacturing process used in the formation of these drinks,
whether liquid or solid - cans. The results also illustrate the desires and
needs of the local consumer in the Kuwaiti market, in an accurate manner, which
contributes to supporting the necessary development of production lines.
Market Size
results of the research of EXCPR CO. indicate that the size of the soft drinks
market in the State of Kuwait has become approximately 1.4 billion cans
annually, which represents a financial value of 143.4 million KD annually -
equivalent to 465.7 million USD in 2024. As for the total volume of liquids
used in these cans, it was equivalent to 383.5 million liters per year. By
projecting these results on the local market in the State of Kuwait, the
consumption of citizens and residents in the State of Kuwait of liquids
annually approached 312 cans per person, 6 cans per week, with a consumption of
83 liters of soft drinks per person. The
results also show that one person in the State of Kuwait spends about 31.2 KD
annually on various types of soft drinks - about 101.2 USD.
Market Share
are more than 200 types of soft drinks in the Kuwaiti market, whether
manufactured in the country, or those imported from abroad. These types include
different flavors, sizes, and cans, simulating the needs and uses of customers
in the local market. As indicated in the following figure, which shows the
market share of these brands, which customers selected in 2024, Pepsi brand dominates the list at 25.4% of the total
market volume, against other shares for 7up and Coca Cola brands equivalent to 15.3% and 11.6% -
more detail, the research results indicate that 15.6% of the total customers in
the local market in Kuwait prefer regular Pepsi, compared to 9.2% for regular Mountain
Dew and 7up zero drinks - each. Next comes other soft drinks that are no less
important than their predecessors, on which the home soft drink market depends,
such as diet Pepsi and regular Coca Cola at 7.8% and 6.4% - respectively. The
following figure shows the distribution of the rest of the beverages relative
to the local market in homes.
results also indicate that customers in the local market prefer traditional
products - those that have not undergone any change or additions - with a high
percentage of 64.8%. The following figure shows the percentage of customers'
consumption of the classification - flavors - for soft drinks:
The results indicate
that the local market in the State of Kuwait depends on metal cans - made of
aluminum - more than others, by 61.4% of the total market size. While the
reliance on glass cans was important by 36.7% of the general volume. As for the
dependence of customers in the State of Kuwait on plastic cans, they were
significantly lower, by 1.9% of the total consumption volume.
Environmental conservation
production process of soft drinks relies heavily on other production lines
related to the materials used in the manufacturing processes of containers in
which liquid is added. These other production lines have a role in integrating
the manufacturing process of soft drinks, in addition to affecting the
environment mainly. The results of EXCPR CO. indicate that the consumption
volume of the soft drinks manufacturing sector for Glass was about 75,015 tons
per year, which is expected to reach about 122,192 in 2034. As for Aluminum consumption
in the sector, it reached about 15,891 tons per year, which is expected to
double to 25,885 after ten years. As for Plastic, it remained one of the least
used materials in production processes at 783 tons per year, compared to an
increase of 1,275 in 2034. The following figure shows the volume of consumption
of materials used in the manufacture of soft drinks in the State of Kuwait in
the coming years.
Soft Drink Prices
The following table
shows a comparison of the prices of soft drinks per liter in some countries of
the world, and the average value of one liter of soft drinks in the State of
Kuwait was about 0.245 KD - equivalent to 0.790 USD.
Average soft
drinks price – USD per liter |
Country |
5.4 |
Switzerland |
4.2 |
Denmark |
3.4 |
France |
3.0 |
Italy |
2.8 |
US |
2.6 |
UK |
2.4 |
Canada |
2.2 |
Poland |
1.5 |
Turkey |
1.4 |
1.0 |
Saudi Arabia |
0.8 |
Kuwait |
0.8 |
Chaina |
0.7 |
Iraq |
0.6 |
Egypt |
In conclusion, the
company said that the soft drinks market used in homes of the State of Kuwait
is one of the promising markets for its annual growth, in addition to the
revival of the economic activities for other business sectors. The boycott of
some types of imported soft drinks by consumers has had the greatest impact in
reorienting the market share among competitors. The dependence of companies on
marketing and showing products to customers is important in increasing sales
volumes. In addition, the significant impact shown by the technology and modern
applications sector has culminated in more companies and brands showing
فيما يلي
ملخص للمنتجات التي تقوم بها شركة اكسبر للاستشارات وإدارة الاعمال، والاضافات
التي تحققها للزبائن.
المنتج |
الإضافات |
الرسالة، الرؤية، والقيم |
المحافظة على أساس الشركة، شحذ الاداء نحو تحقيق
الأهداف، التأكيد على مبادئ العمل |
دراسة الجدوى الاقتصادية |
المحافظة على مصادر الإنتاج المالية، تقليل المخاطر |
خطة العمل |
خارطة جيدة لطريق قيام المشروع التجاري، تقليل نسبة
أخطاء التنفيذ |
تحليل السوق |
المنتج المطلوب، السعر المناسب، المكان الأفضل، تشجيع
الزبائن للشراء |
استراتيجية المؤسسات |
التأكيد على خلق القيمة المضافة لمنتجات الشركة |
استراتيجية الاعمال |
تحديد الميزة النسبية للشركة، طريقة المنافسة في
السوق، واختيار الأفضل منها |
مؤشرات قياس الأداء KPIs/ OKR |
اختزال بيانات المؤسسة على هيئة مؤشرات يسهل فهمها
واتخاذ القرارات اللازمة تجاهها |
بطاقة الأداء المتوازن |
متابعة الأداء وقياس فاعلية العمل المؤسسي |
نموذج الاعمال |
فهم طريقة العمل في المؤسسة بشكل متكامل، وسرعة الحصول
على المعلومات |
الحوكمة |
بقاء المؤسسة، استقطاب المستثمرين، الوعي والشفافية،
بالإضافة الى الرقابة الفاعلة |
إدارة المخاطر |
تحليل المخاطر ورصدها، والتعامل معها، والحد من حدوثها |
إدارة استمرارية الاعمال |
تنظيم الاعمال ومواجهة الازمات المحتملة، والتعامل
معها بشكل افضل |
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Soft drink market
brochure 273.2024
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