Thursday, January 24, 2013


Jan. 2013 - Kuwait



Today’s markets are changing in frequent and fast way with slow actions from companies for adjusting. Thus, most of today’s business are working with high amount of production resources, which lead them to reduce their efficiency factor to low level. In addition to that, the low efficiency factor is important in business’s world as it is fully related to the profit margin.
Therefore, the idea behind creating EXCPR™ business, is came from the pinch mark or the gap available in the market, as most of the organization – customer – are working to make profits rather than maximizing it. Additionally, it was observed that some of the companies are working with low business efficiency level, which make them pay some opportunity cost, due to not using their resources at high position.
About EXCPR™
EXCPR™ - Exceptional Performance - is a Kuwait’s entrepreneur Consultancy and Business Management firm. It was established in 2011 by it s founder and MD Nayef A. Bastaki in Kuwait. The company is focusing on the private companies (medium and large size) – as its customer to supply its advises and methodologies.
The same objective can be move to the customers thought the different four directions,
·         Studies
·         Consultancies
·         Training
·         Business Management
From another hand, EXCPR™ name is created from the same English words “ Exceptional Performance ”, which indicate the main business role and strategies for the company. 
About the Founder and Staff
The founder for EXCPR™ company – and its current MD- is Nayef A. Bastaki, who got his primary degree in engineering science from Kuwait University, followed by the Master of Business Administration degree – MBA- in 2011. More details about the founder’s CV can be seen in the following link
From another hand, EXCPR™ strategy is to keep it operational cost at minimum level required, ie. provide staff and workers basis on such business requirement ( as contractor basis).
EXCPR™ Direction
Kuwait’s entrepreneur and business consultant competitor firm in the Global market. 
To let the market works at high efficient
Entrepreneur business, lead the Kuwait’s market, looking to expand locally, regional growth, and global competition
·         Resources
·         Efficiency
·         Maximizing profits
·         Customer
·         Information and data
·         Research, studies and theories
Products & Services
EXCPR™ is providing its services to its customers through four channels, as discussed below
·         SWOT analysis
·         Vision, Mission and Values
·         Strategic marketing planning
·         Project evaluation and management
·         Stocks evaluation
·         Company’s evaluation
·         Probability and statistics
·         Business management
·         Financial analysis
·         Efficiency rations
·         Feasibility study
·         Market size
·         Market share
EXCPR’s experience
As the company is established – recently- all projects and studies are published for advertisement and marketing issue – to let customers know more about EXCPR™ business. Thus, during the last period, EXCPR™ had the following initiative projects,
·         Evaluate the market shares, for the MOGAS marketing companies – in Kuwait.
·         The global number of users and countries, for the social media – FACEBOOK.
·         The quality control subject for the Global Airline companies – targeted Kuwait’s market – such as KLM, Kuwait Airways, Lufthansa, United, Emiratis, … etc.  
·         The market size and the market share for the coffee shops in Kuwait, ie. Starbucks Coffee, Caribou Coffee, Costa Coffee, … etc
·         Evaluate the market share and the type of customers for the Fast-food companies – in Kuwait- such as McDonalds, Burger King, KFC, Pizza Hut, … etc.
·         The yearly spending for marketing budget, by Kuwait’s companies and the Global brand names – in Kuwait.
·         Evaluate the market share for the luxury autos company – in Kuwait  - such as Mercedes, Land Rover, Audi, BMW, Cadillac, … etc.
·         Feasibility Study for manufacturing plant project, located in Kuwait.
·         Evaluate the market share, market size, business efficiency, etc. for a Kuwait’s retailer brand name “Deer & Dear”.
·         Analysis the social media subject – twitter – and its use between the Kuwait’s companies.
·         Understand the basic requirement for the Kuwait’s customer, by conducting a technical survey. 
Customer’s gain
EXCPR™ is promising it customer with the following gains,
Direct benefits
·         Maximizing profits
·         Minimizing cost
·         Manage project and schedule
·         Supporting top management decision
·         Eliminate risk
·         Saving resources
Indirect benefits
·         Growing internally – vertical
·         Expanding business – horizontal
·         Competing in the market
Contact EXCPR™
EXCPR™ Co. – for your business performance
Study – Consultancy – Training – Business Management
+965 600 - excpr ( 600 - 39277 )
P.O. Box 3378 Meshref 40183 Kuwait

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